Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Thursday 19th of June - The 22 hr day

This morning at 4am I jumped in a taxi and headed for Heathrow airport to fly to Portugal. On the plane close to the Portuguese capital of Lisbon, the weather was clear and the views incredible. Teracotta roofs, bright green grass hills, wind power generaters and sparkling deep blue ocean.

I was met at the airport by Juan, a local mountainboarder. He took me to the place where i am staying in Sintra, a small town based around a mountain, and beach around 30 minutes drive out of Lisbon. I am lucky enough to be staying with a mountainboarder named Andre' and his girlfriend sylvia. I settled into my room, and then we cooked up some beef on the portuguese style grill.

When the rest of the sintra dirt crew had knocked off work we headed to one of the local tracks to do some riding. The track was a rocky dirt surface, with hand built berms, rollers, rails, jumps and a sweet 1\4 pipe with PVC coping. The only bad thing about the track is that there are ticks and other harmful insects around so you have to be careful.

After riding until 8 it was time to watch portugal play in the 1\4 final of the soccer. We all went down to a local hangout where a tv was set up in the street for people to watch. the atmosphere was amazing, and the sagres (local beer) was flowing. Unfortunately Portugal lost, and at 2:00am the party was finished. It was definately one of the highlights of the trip.

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